

Learning goals

Attending a study program is something you do with a reason. You want to learn new things. As time passes those learning goals will change, because either you reached the goal, or you adjusted your goals. In this article I will go trough my current learning goals. I will talk about things that I want to learn in general, and some specific courses I am currently folowing.

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For an assignment I had to select three companies and do some research about them. For example: What do they do? How is the company culture? What positions do they offer? In this post I have written about the results and my opinion. The companies that I have researched are:

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My programming experience

In highschool I already had the subject computer science for two years. Here I learned the basics of some programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Python and SQL. Each quartile we would discuss another topic and make excercises to improve our knowledge and skill in programming.

Read the entire article here

My first feedback

Before starting the study, I had to prepare myself by filling in a document with questions about me. After submitting the document, I recieved feedback on what to improve in the document. This was my first feedback and I will be discussing some subjects of it in this post.

Read the entire article here

My personal SWOT analysis

As part of the study preparation I had to fill in a personal SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths are about what are you good at, what will help you during your study? Weaknesses are about what may hold you back during your studies. Opportunities are about how you can turn your weaknesses into strengths create an opportunity. Threats are about what weaknesses could make you not succesfull in the study, what obstacles do you face?

Read the entire article here

My study choice

I chose this program because I enjoy working with computers and gaming. Besides that i also had Computer Science as a subject in Highschool. During the two years I took the subject, I learned the basics of a few programming languages, which was very interesing.

Read the entire article here