
Learning Goals

Date: 27-9-2023

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Attending a study program is something you do with a reason. You want to learn new things. As time passes those learning goals will change, because either you reached the goal, or you adjusted your goals. In this article I will go trough my current learning goals. I will talk about things that I want to learn in general, and some specific courses I am currently folowing.


Some courses I have during the entire first year are PPD-E and IT personality. PPD-E stands for Personal Professina Development - Exploration. In this course we get workshops about how to adapt more professional skills and habits that will help during your entire career, such as working together and planning everything. IT personality is a course where you get to choose activities that can broaden your knowledge or skill. The only requirements for this course are that you choose activities that will help you and they are not allowed to overlap with the things teached during the entire study program. Some examples of what you can do are: reading books, attending events, do voluntary work, attend an online course and attend a project- or international week.

Programming basics

In this course we learn how Javascript works. We learn about variables, arrays, if/else statements, functions, mathematical operators, how to work with a DOM structure and everything around those subjects. To reach these goals I attend lectures and checkpoints, make exercises and small assignments which get graded, and ask for help when I need it.

Computer Science basics

In this course the basics of Computer Science are covered. This course is very broad. We learn about data-types, hardware components, operating systems, number systems, encoding and decoding, how programming languages get processes, how a CPU works and boolean operators. My way of reaching these goals is the same as with programming basics.