
My personal SWOT analysis

Date: 10-9-2023

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what is a SWOT analysis?

As part of the study preparation I had to fill in a personal SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths are about what are you good at, what will help you during your study? Weaknesses are about what may hold you back during your studies. Opportunities are about how you can turn your weaknesses into strengths create an opportunity. Threats are about what weaknesses could make you not succesfull in the study, what obstacles do you face?

My personal results

The results of my SWOT analysis are in the table below.

Part of the analysis Result/answer
Strengths Resilience and perseverance. I always strive for the best results and when things go wrong, I adjust them.
Weaknesses Perfectionism. While it has its good points, such as always going all in to create the best results, it can make working in a team difficult due to other people sometimes not sharing that mentality.
Opportunities Perfectionism will always make me want to get the best result possible. When things don't go as planned, having resilience will prevent a lot of stress while adjusting things.
Threats I don't think perfectionism will prevent me from succeeding in my studies. However, it can make some parts of the study a little more difficult.