
My programming experience

Date: 13-9-2023

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In highschool I already had the subject computer science for two years. Here I learned the basics of some programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python and SQL. Each quartile we would discuss another topic and make excercises to improve our knowledge and skill in programming.

During the first year we discussed basic computer science, HTML, CSS and Python. We had projects to make a very basic website, program small calculation programs or messages when given certain imput. After learning the basics and applying it into small excersices I got good at it quickly. The website I made back had bad quality compared to this one. Unfortunaltely I don't have any screenshots of the project anymore.

The second year we learned more advanced Python and SQL. The SQL was very fun as it was different than the other things we learned. Instead of creating something, we learned queries with which we could access certain information from a database. Python was in my opinion also very nice, as it can be used for a big variety of things. Such as programming a small car or a program which can give different responsed according to input.

The logo of the Python programming language