
My study choice

Date: 7-9-2023

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I chose this program because I enjoy working with computers and gaming. Besides that I also had Computer Science as a subject in Highschool. During the two years I took the subject, I learned the basics of a few programming languages, which was very interesing. I liked the programming a lot because you really see new things come to life on the computer as you work. For example, I built a small website in the first year that I folowed the subject. For me it was really cool to see your codes come to life and turn into a working website.

Study choice activities

To decide where I wanted to study I attended open houses at two different universities. At the HZ, during an open house, I went to HBO-ICT and International Business program presentations. At Avans in Breda I attended presentations at a open house for the studies, Informatica (computer science) and Business IT and management.

After completing this study

Right now, I'm not sure what I want to do after this study. Searching for job, or continue studying? During the study I want to create a better view of the many aspects in IT and with this create a plan for the future, after the study.