
My first feedback

Date: 12-9-2023

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Before starting the study, I had to prepare myself by filling in a document with questions about me. After submitting the document, I recieved feedback on what to improve in the document. This was my first feedback and I will be discussing some subjects of it in this post.

The feedback i recieved:

  1. You should further explain your motivation for choosing this study
  2. Try to research a career or company you would enjoy working at that will keep you motivated for the entire course of the study.
  3. Striving for the best results is a good thing, but on the other side you can't always have things go good enough for the best results.In those cases, check what may assist you to handle and cooperate with the situation. Think of escalating it to a lecturer, the teammates, stepping back or letting some points go.

My opinion on the feedback

  1. I am currently working on this feedback, because I want to put my motivation as a subject on the homepage. This morning I got a lecture about how to improve your motivation. A example was to ask yourself why 5 times. Each time going deeper into your reasoning. I will be using this method for the homepage. S
  2. This is a point of feedback that I have not had the time to work on yet. If I have time for it I will do a research about a career or company that I might like and make it a blogpost. At the moment I don't have an idea yet about what I want to do after the study.
  3. With this point of feedback I'm not sure about whether I will use it or ignore it. I do agree that sometimes things just can't go perfectly and you have to choose priorities. But I don't agree with letting some points go or steppping back. As long as I have the opportunity to strive towards the best result, I will.